Monday, December 31, 2007

what the?

Can you believe it? Tomorrow is 2008!
I wish us all a healthy - and productive ;) - New Year!

Be safe,


I was going to be all excited about how many words I've written this year. Sigh, 36,347 words, not including notes & half thoughts. Dang it all, I thought it'd be more! That might be okay if was all on one manuscript but, nooooo, I've got 5 - that's right FIVE - stories going. Let us hope your year was MUCH more productive then mine and that next year I can double my word count.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

what if ...

I was cruising around and found a blog with a very interesting entry. (He's gay and it shows in his blog - I found him through his m/m stories on nifty.)

December 10, 2007 Okay, let's suppose some God tells you that from now on you can never leave your house and that everything that you eat and drink and wear and play with has to be ordered over the internet. Money is no problem but the catch is that you're limited to ten stores and once you pick the ten they are fixed. If one goes out of business that's just tough, you do without. So which ten would you pick? Here's mine. Okay, I know it's stupid. You know, it's easy to just criticize.

Amazon, Dean & Deluca, Saks, Neiman-Marcus, Von's, Netgrocer, Zingermans, CDW, BestBuy, IBM

Good Heavens! Only 10? I think I order books from that many publishers alone!

So, I've been thinking about this, I'd need sites for clothes, food, entertainment, exercise equipment(?), crafts, furniture and electronics. Yikes

First off, I'd need a bigger house. One with a huge craft room and a sunroom. I'd go nuts if I had to stay inside here. Plus I'd need a kick-ass gym/pool room.

1. Amazon
2. Costco

Food: Albertson's, Von's, Swann's & Netgrocer all deliver to my area. I should check on Trader Joe's

Electonics: Best Buy, Circuit City, Fry's,, CDW

Clothes: I'm a simple girl, I could live with JCPenney & Target, even Wal-mart.

Entertainment: that's almost the same as electronics

Crafts: I need a site that has sewing, quilting, cross stitch, scrapbook, beads/jewelry. All the supplies plus tools.

Books: All Romance eBooks carries books from the publishers I go to but I'd really hate to limit myself here. I don't think Amazon carries everything I buy.

I have pets, do I add a pet store or just hope that the others will have what they need. And what do I do when I want a new pet? I'd better hope someone gives me a dog for my birthday ;)

And what about medical care???? My DD said that's what WebMD was for.

so lets see,

1. Amazon
2. Costco
3. Albertson's
4. Von's (just in case-cause netgrocer doesn't have fresh milk)
5. - iTunes is part of apple :p
6. Fry's
7. JCPenney's
8. Target
9. All Romance eBooks
10. ....this would have to be my craft place & don't think there is one that has everything I'd need.

edit: I'm like a dog with a bone on this one. I know a chiropractor that will come to the house but who will cut my hair? I found a masseuse that I think will come to the house but I'm not sure they'll come this far out (or do a girl!). I'm a hermit that likes to party. Yea, I know, but I would like to move to a much larger home where the private spaces are private and the public spaces are open, inviting & fun so I can have people over.

{If the barn and riding arena are covered and connected by a covered walkway to the they count as "inside"?}

Anyways, I found my #10. Best Upon Request. Concierge Services that make life easier. There. They can go to my quilt shops, buy tickets to fly my friends out, go to my favorite restaurants and bring back food, they'll even plan my parties & clean up afterwards. They aren't in my state so everything would have to be arranged over the internet. This works right?

I think that's it.

I also want a University tutor so I can finish school and a music teacher. If I'm going to be locked up, I might as well learn to play the piano better. Oh, will a fencing instructor come to the house? Looks like a job for my concierge!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
to all...

and to all a

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Another semester gone, another lesson learned

This semester I learned that I can't take two classes with such a large break in between them. I had enough time to finish my math homework, eat lunch & go shopping. Or go home & take and nap, and sleep through my alarm :(

The bad news: I failed PSY 101 and must retake it.

The Good news: after a rocky start in math.... I was sick at the beginning of the semester so not only did I miss days, I missed a test. Later I missed another week and failed that chapter's test spectacularly. I loved the way the teacher taught but didn't like that he penalized us for missing days. I went into the final with a C in the class but got an 86% on the final and an B in the class. I wonder what I'll learn next semester....

I'll have the next level of Algebra (2nd out of 3) and will be retaking PSY 101 as an online class ~crossing fingers~...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

New Year Resolutions

I was surfing around today, visiting some favorite spots, when I stopped by Silver Expressions, a blog of Liquid Silver Books authors. Red Garnier's post today was her list of New Year's Resolutions. Great idea so I stole it ;)

1. Diet & Exercise. Isn't this on everyone's list? I've got a beach vacation coming up this summer. Plus the health benefits and just-getting-through-a-busy-day, without-getting-exhausted benefits. :)

2. Homework. Yeah, I've gone back to school, just a couple classes at a time, but still. I've got stuff to relearn and new stuff too. I don't need straight A's but I do need to pass each class.

3. Housework. Ug. Sigh. And "do I have to?", another sigh. Yep. I have too much stuff (a lot of it books) so not only do I need to keep up on the housework stuff, I need to throw some of it out :o or give it away.

4. Reading/Writing. More of one, less of another. I kept track for a couple of months, I read 37 books in one month. Sure, they're not epic length but still.... I need to cut down on book purchases & reading so there it more time to write. Plus, I need to read some of the books I've already purchased but haven't read. I will read 12 unread-but-purchased books this year.

5. Writing. This really does need two resolutions. I WILL finish, polish & submit something in 2008.

6. Family time. Less reading, more face time. We're getting another board game for Christmas :)

7. Website/blog and MySpace. I'd like to update my website (two). Update my blog more often (three!). Figure out what I'm doing at MySpace

8. Friends. Virtual and f2f, we all need to spend time with friends.

9. Blogs, MySpace, Live Journal, Shelfari & Yahoo!Groups. I have lots of places to visit and really need to, not only manage my time I spend there, but also make sure I visit everyone.

What would you like to do in 2008?

Monday, December 10, 2007

Poetry Train

Chapter One

It was a beautiful night out. Wade didn’t get to spend as much time watching the sunset as he use to. He’s got a new cat. Shush has been with him for many years but seems to be enjoying the new kitten. Wade hopes he keeps Shush feeling young.

School is finally finished. He parent’s gave him Grandpa’s place as a graduation present and helped him fix it up. After that, he was a bit limited in available jobs but he found a great one just when he thought he never would.

The house is one the small side but it’s just right for him and two cats. Plus it’s got five acres, plenty of room to add on. It’s a ways out of town but traffic is light and his job is this side of town too.

He once asked his Dad why they kept the property since they never went there. His Dad would mumble something about legacy and change the subject. He learned not to ask. The good news is that he’s four hours away from his parents. Not a quick, drop-in distance.

Wade loves his job as a physical therapist but it can be stressful. Everyone seems to know a cute daughter/friend/niece/sister he should go out with. He hasn’t learned how to handle that yet. It isn’t that he’s hiding; he just isn’t comfortable flaunting his private life. Are there handbooks for this kind of thing? The worst blind date ever didn’t even start out as a date; it’s just that him and the local “drama queen” were the only ones at the table that weren’t part of a couple.

As Wade lies out on the back patio, he hears rustling noises. He’s not sure what wildlife is out here so he picks up Shush and Majesty. He sees several sets of eyes as he turns to bolt into the house.


He has just enough presence of mind to make sure he doesn’t land on the cats.

(picture from Big Cat Rescue)

Sunday, December 02, 2007

A man knows he's getting older when...

he changes from Head and Shoulders to Mop n'Glow

Yes the cable is back up but I'm still mad at the company. There were suppose to CALL when the problem was fixed! TWO DAYS and then some grrr...

I've got homework and If I'm a good girl, I get to make Chocolate Chip cookies yum yum

Book for today: A Matter of Necessity by T.D. McKinney available from Amber Quill

Two FBI agents, deep undercover, infiltrating a new ring supplying weapons, possibly weapons of mass destruction.

Sound tame? The supplier is gay and doesn't trust straight men and just to make things interesting, the guy is into public displays of affection! The partners do what they must & become partners in every way.

Bagging the bad guy doesn't end the story, he's carrying a grudge & he has friends on the outside.

Saturday, December 01, 2007


cable is down at our house. Sneaking in on M's work computer so no other blogs or surfing & I missed In This Land!

grrrr, I hope your weekend is better them mine

Monday, November 26, 2007

Poetry Train

First stop on the Poetry Train is Rhian's blog. There are 16 links from there at last count. I always check out TA Chase's blog and hope to stop by the others later this week.

The picture has nothing to do with the following WIP but still...


It was a beautiful night out. Wade lay on the back deck with his cat curled up by his side as the sun went down. He may hate doing all his homework right after school but the rewards of evenings like this were worth it.

It’s so quiet and peaceful. Just the purr of Shush, huh, that’s a little loud for such a tiny cat. Wade sits up and sees four sets of eyes watching him from the foot of the lounger.

Stray cats. And they’re hungry. Wait, how does he know they’re hungry? Wade’s hand curls protectively around Shush as he scoots up in the chair.




Wade passes out.

Wade comes too with a heavy weight on his legs, warmth against his sides and Shush sitting on his chest, licking his face.


Whoa. Wade looks around Shush to see the other cats on the lounger with him. Mighty friendly, must not be strays. He starts to sit up and feels the first hint of claws.


We’ve been waiting

“Sorry guy. You have me a little, um…, confused. Can I sit up please?” Wade feels stupid talking to the cats like they’d understand but he talked that way to Shush all the time.


“I’m not suppose to feed strays”


“If I feed you, will you go away?”

For now

Wade went into the house. Happy that Shush was now eating the adult food and that his mom has just gotten a new bag.

Wade carries the bag outside. “I can’t leave plates out here so I’m going to have to put the food on the deck.” No voices, no meows, so he scoops the food out onto the decking. “I count four, so that’s what I’ll leave.”

He picks up the bag of food and Shush and walks backwards towards the house. The cats all look up at him at the same time and seem to nod before going back to the food.

Wade puts the food away and brushes his teeth on autopilot.

The cats don’t come back the next night and after a while he stops looking for them. Then he forgets.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007

Poetry Train

We all have our masks.
The light that conceals us.

We surround ourselves with them,
Changing our selves.

We’re all, though, very similar;
Just in a different light.

Nice, huh? Not mine. Credit for poem & photo goes to my son. More of his stuff can be found at Deviant Art.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Enjoy your weekend


Luckily we opened the fridge to get a snack before...

curiosity killed the cat!

How the cat got his name: The picture I didn't get had the kitten with his entire head in the shoe.

Maybe we should have named him couch potato?

Dang, this one is dark. The black kitten found a high perch and settled in to watch the show. I have no idea what was on but he's done it since.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Tried something new this year, actually used a pattern!

Writing: nothing
School: A on last Psy test & B on last math test.

Tonight? helping at a church thing, no costume though - dang.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My daughter "killed" me yesterday

My daughter is going to Mortuary School and yesterday's homework was filling out paperwork. One of the papers was a death certificate. She said the teacher had a book with celebrity's certificates but she thought she could find one online. Not as easy as she thought so I asked if she wanted to kill me instead.

I wanted to die of something unusual but she had trouble finding puffer fish poisoning so we went with being gored. Yep, my occupation is Rodeo Clown. The main cause of death was a really long word that meant excessive bleeding with the secondary cause of death being another really long word that meant the bull's horn slipped under my ribs and punchured my liver. She had to list time, date and place. I died at 2043 (8:43 pm) the day before my birthday. I was DOA. Dang, don't remember my age, think it was 48.

I forgot to ask if any of the other students "killed" a relative. Heck, maybe they haven't even talked about it yet.

Cool, huh? (The picture is from a 2001 rodeo on the Professional Bull Riders site.

TTFN, I've got a math test tomorrow I should be studying for.

Update: I got the "official" words: The immediate cause of death was exsanguination (excessive bleeding due to internal or external hemorrhage). The underlying cause that initiated the events resulting in death: hepatorrhexis (rupture of the liver - the bull gored me).

and my age: 52

The teacher only went over things and didn't collect the papers. Man, it would have been funny.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

2nd Challenge, 1st Check in

There's another 70 Days of Sweat Challenge going on between October 15, 2007 and January 15, 2008. That's 93 days this time because of vacations and holidays (wasn't that nice?) Today is the first check-in:

I've got 4 WsIP but one had some lost data when the hard drive crashed. My goals for this weekend were to type in the two short stories I started since the last challenge and "find" the lost data.

I'm happy to report that the two stories were already typed in. One is 827 and the other is 2,117.

The lost data has been found. (I had emailed it to a friend to read - yea) and has been reformatted, word count: 13K!

The story that began it all has stalled out at 16k. I've been concentrating on the one with a due date and school work.

Good news: I got an A on my math test Monday. Won't know until Thu what I got in Psychology.

Thanks to Johan Roest for the photo. Check out his site for many, MANY more. (I "cut" this one because he isn't!)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Monday, October 01, 2007

just wanted to share

I've got school stuff coming up, not sure when I'll be back - Friday?

Have a great week,


Thursday, September 27, 2007

back to school

...and just in time. I went on Tuesday and had an in class assignment then on Thursday, we went over the study guides for a test the next Tuesday. The teacher said it would be the hardest test all semester and I was crossing my fingers for a 'C'.

Nope, did a little better than that
~*~*~Happy dance~*~*~
It helps that the teacher uses a sliding scale and dropped one of the questions completely (didn't discuss in class - most of us got it wrong) but I still got 62 out of 74.

Got to run, still have math homework to do.....

oh, wait.... have a



Saturday, September 22, 2007

70 Days of Sweat

Wow, 70 days already. Did I complete my goals? No. Am I satisfied? Mostly. I had a wonderful family vacation, had the computer crash, started school & got sick. Yep, a very busy 70 days!

The first ms I started was Sara's Jewels and I've stalled at 16K. I put it on the back burner when I started the next ms because of a deadline for subbing. This was the info given in my first post for Sven.

1) book title: don’t know yet
2) Hero: Tom Freeman / cabinetmaker
3) Heroine: Ginny Rockwood / author
4) setting: small town America (valley)
5) length: 18K

1) Sara’s Jewels
2) Dave Hoffman / webmaster
& Alex (still working on it) / horse trainer
3) Sara Phillips / works at a horse breeder
4) Southern California
5) 75K

A great big thank you to the sponsors of this challenge: Alison Kent, Larissa Ione, Stephanie Tyler, Jo Leigh, and HelenKay Dimon.


Second ms progress:
* I have a title, "Let the World Go Away".
* Ginny's name is now Lisa.
* I hit 13+k on this one but my current doc says 7115 so it looks like I'll be retyping. Now I'm REALLY glad I write longhand first. (Actually, I had lots of scene docs and did one last printout after I put it all together. I'll be retying but it will be from a print not handwriting - whew)
* I'll be back into it this next weekend (I've got a psychology test next week)
* I'm five scenes away from being complete, from first kiss (short) to the wedding/honeymoon (long)
* I've had a published author do a read through for me & received some helpful tips.

First ms progress:
* I haven't looked at this one in too long. I have no idea where I'm at!

Third ms progress:
* That's right, I started a third while between classes last week. It's still longhand so I don't know how many words, maybe 1k.
* PLUS, I've got an idea kicking around for a FOURTH - this one will be f/f! I found a couple that "would love to talk to you".

Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Author dies

Robert Jordan died Sunday at the age of 58 from a rare blood disease. One fan said it best "The Great Lord of the Dark has won. There will be no Last Battle."

According to Associated Press:

In a 2004 online chat on the USA Today Web site, Jordan said he hoped to finish the main "Wheel" series in two more books. Book 11, "Knife of Dreams," came out in 2005. He was working on book 12 at the time of his death.


Obituaries in the News by the Associated Press, scroll down.

The New Zealand Herald

The UK SF Book News Network

The Kansas City Star had a short (and I mean short!) notice, scroll down has a poll about ending this series, & others, unfinished or having someone else pick up the reins.

The Red State even has something about RJ Forget Politics for a moment with comments enabled.

Prayers and Hugs to the family.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I feel like a Nyquil commercial

The new semester started and I'm already ill. Usually there is some buildup of not feeling well but this time it hit me fast. Stuffy one night and down for the count the next morning.

I've got two classes this semester and I like both teachers. One I had before in an online class so it's really interesting to actually be in class with her - lots of energy.

I've done a lot of reading, little to no writing.

Worked out Monday with a friend, hope I can make it tomorrow.

Babysat three kids on Saturday. A cousin from out of state came here for a football game. I watched the kids (5, 2, 9mos) because, for some reason, they didn't want to take them to the game ;) Oh, man, I hope they're not sick now....

I'm off to bed, hoping I can get son to go to the store for juice.

Happy Tuesday

Monday, September 03, 2007

gone for a bit...

want to keep the previous post up for a while. I'm spending most of the day over at LiteraryNymphsChat. School starts tomorrow but I hope to be back Friday.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

All Romance eBooks & MySpace

I received an important email, and while I know I'm not widely read, I want to to my part. Here's a link. Here's the email:

*************Permission to re-post granted**************

I'm asking for your help to get the word out that folks need to "re-friend" us on MySpace and I'm asking that you "friend" us if you have an account.

Most of you know that ARe has been using MySpace to communicate with readers about The eBookclub. We opened our MySpace page for that purpose and in 2 months we'd managed to accumulate close to 6000 friends.

Apparently that's too tempting for some hackers. MySpace and Scrapfairy Designs have been quick to respond and our page is back up at the same address but with only 1 friend, Tom.

ARe--The eBookclub is featuring a wonderful read for the month of September and our second eBookblub meeting is going to be in a couple weeks. We have a great fall season planned and are determined to get back on our feet as quickly as possible.

Please repost this to reader an! d author forums, loops, and on your MySpace page if you have one. Sending a bulletin to your friends asking that they do the same would be a huge help to us. We're relying on the power of social networking and the good will of our affiliates, readers, and authors to help us. We don't want our bookclub members to think that we've wavered in our commitment to this project or that All Romance eBooks *gasp* deleted them. Here's the address:

Lori James
All Romance eBooks, LLC

P.S. For those of you who don't know....ARe--The eBookclub is a on-line Bookclub specific to romance eBooks. Each month we select a new release to feature. We advance purchase copies from the publisher and give them away to the first fifty members that attempt download. We also promote the book with special Behind the Scenes features, excerpts, and interviews, and host an on-line chat (usually with the author) at The Romance Ga! lleria. This is a great way for people that love romance to get intro duced to eBooks and for people from all around the world that already are fans of romance eBooks to meet and share the experience of a fabulous read.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Cover Models

Do you ever stop to think that maybe you picked up this book instead of that book is because the cover model was the same as another book you liked? I hadn't.

While surfing around, I checked Tess Harrison's blog and found an announcement that a cover model had died. Going through his site, I have many of the books he modeled for. Rob Ashton will be missed by many who don't even know he's gone.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Sunday Flash at SEx

Not mine, I was sleeping but I stopped by SEx to read what was going on. Here are two of my favorites. Stop by and check out the others.

Today's blog is "Why do you read e-books?" Think I'll go over and put in my two-cents.

Happy Monday :)

Sunday, August 26, 2007

another funny

Larry gets home late one night and, Linda, his wife says, "Where in the hell have you been?"

Larry replies, "I was out getting a tattoo."

"A tattoo?" she frowned. "What kind of tattoo did you get?"

"I got a hundred dollar bill on my privates," he said proudly.

"What the hell were you thinking?" she said, shaking her head in disgust. "Why on earth would an accountant get a hundred dollar bill tattooed on this privates?"

"Well, one, I like to watch my money grow.

Two, once in a while I like to play with my money.

Three, I like how money feels in my hand.

And, lastly, instead of you going out shopping, you can stay right here at home and blow a hundred bucks anytime you want."

Larry is recovering in room 233 at the local hospital.

Dinner & a Movie

Friday night: Dinner and a movie. Sa didn't go to the movie but did go to dinner. Sc didn't go to dinner but did go to the movie.

We saw the Simpson's Movie. F.U.N.N.Y. Plus, there was male nudity. NOT full frontal and it was really funny how they did that.

If you watch the show, you'll get it. It's just on a bigger screen and it lasts longer. The opening sequence is different but Bart still writes on the chalkboard. It starts off with a Itchy and Scratchy movie and Homer stands up in the theater and calls all of us suckers for paying money to see something we could see at home.

Bart goes on a hike and we get to see the four states that border Springfield. None of which actually touch each other.

I'll give this one a B. Glad I saw it, will watch it again on cable.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

New Online story

I bought Guys in College by Matthew Haldeman-Time from Lulu.

At the end of the collection was a story called "In This Land". The story wasn't complete but Matthew has more on his website. Think Pharaohs and m/m sex and very involved story lines.

The story time is during the Dynasty of the Seven Siblings. The first child is Pharaoh, no matter what the sex is, who marries a Queen and a King. Each of the seven siblings have a specific job to do except that this time there were eight children.

The story so far is that the Diplomatic sibling is looking for a King for the Pharaoh. That makes it sound too simple. Check out his website, you can read the first three chapters and a couple of shorts for free. If you like the story, you can pay (paypal) $1.99 for 30 days of access to the rest of the story. There should be four chapters added a month.

I've already had to get up twice because my butt fell asleep and wasn't happy about having to interrupt the story :)

Happy Wednesday

Monday, August 20, 2007

too funny

Joke from Jodi Olson:

A guy falls asleep on the beach for several hours and gets a horrible sunburn.

He goes to the hospital, and is promptly admitted after being diagnosed with second degree burns.

With his skin already starting to blister, and seeing the severe pain he is in, the doctor prescribes an IV with saline, electrolytes, a sedative, and a Viagra Pill every four hours.

The nurse, who is rather astounded, asks, "What good will Viagra do him, Doctor?"

It'll keep the sheets off his legs."

Jodi can be found at MySpace or at her Yahoo! Group or website. Her newest/first book is "Playing House" and can be found at Romance Divine

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I have two words for you


Actually, I mean your computer files. I didn't lose too many files. I was worried about my ms and some of my recent ebook purchases but they're okay. What's NOT okay, is all my bookmarks.

The articles I found while surfing around that I wanted to read again. The picture sites of eye candy. Author & publisher sites. Oh, man, the author sites! I may have had 50 links just in my author folder.

So while you're thinking of it, make a list of ALL your bookmarks and then BACK UP EVERYTHING. While you're at it, make a list of user names and passwords. The "autofill" and "remember this password" are gone. Don't forget all those email addresses, I not only lost a couple years worth of emails & jokes, I lost all the addresses.

I'll be gone for a while, trying to recreate folders and bookmarks and looking for program disks to reload. Office is gone! I use the spreadsheet more than you'd think but can't open any of the files.

I'm leaving now, to cry....

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Happy Anniversary...

to me! We'll be going out to dinner but not sure if we'll do a movie or not. M wanted to see Wild Hogs so maybe we'll just rent it.

Busy checking out all my Yahoo! Groups before finishing laundry

Happy Thursday


Update: This is the front of the card I got, inside it says:
They'll have to pry us apart.

We did go to a movie, Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix. I never did finish the book for the second time because of the "lines" the new Dark Arts teacher has Harry do. I like how they did it in the movie, but man, the teacher? shudder. Just look at her! All sweet looking but she hides the wickedest witch inside. Total proof of never judge a book by it's cover. Plus the cats in her office were just plain creepy.

My kids said the last "I must never tell a lie" line isn't in the book, I haven't gone back to check but it was perfect.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Monday? Already?

I don't know what happened, how could it be Monday already? Let's see, I last checked-in on...Tuesday? Not good, not good at all.

Wednesday, Aug. 8: daughter's birthday. She choose dinner and a movie. We met both sets of grandparents at Olive Garden then we went to see The Bourne Ultimatum. I'm not going to say is was "the best movie ever". I will say I'm satisfied with the ending and would pay full price to see it again. :)

Daughter made her own birthday cake Tuesday night then when she hadn't cut into it by Friday, her brother did. By Saturday it was all gone and she hadn't gotten any. Sigh, I guess this time, I'll bake the cake.

The rest of the week/weekend was normal stuff. I went to the gym with my workout buddy on Friday instead of last Monday. I called in to Jury Duty (call again Monday after 7).

Sunday is Flash Fiction at SEx. Stop that, it's called Silver Expressions Blog and feautres authors of Liquid Silver Books. One of the authors starts it then you can comment with your own. I've done two (patting myself on the back) but couldn't come up with anything yesterday. It was Flashes of Animal Instincts. There was some great stuff.

Y wrote one of my favorites: "She was torn, he was the most beautiful specimen that she had ever seen, in both his forms. He was walking on the beach as a man, beautifully bronzed and nude. She watched from the ocean where he couldn’t see her.

She knew that it wouldn’t work out, they weren’t compatible. She felt a longing for him and a hunger that would not subside. He looked around and dove into the water, taking his animal form of a sea otter. She watched as he darted through the cove, coming at her.

Hunger won and she opened her jaws and ate him."

I'll be taking rides on the Poetry Train today and hope to post favorite links tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

A BIG thank you to Lisa

for the link to Les Byerley's website. Les does book covers and photography. You can find Lisa Andel here

Monday, August 06, 2007

Back from vacation

There are over 500 photos to go through now, here are just a few.

This is one of the views everyone goes for, and I mean everyone. We're at the Watch Tower and the viewpoint was so crowded we almost missed the shot. Luckily, we wondered over to the other side where it wasn't paved. Awesome isn't it.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

This is Angel's Window. There a couple of view spots along this trail. The one where S was standing, the top of Angel's Window and at the end where S caught the lightning. The storm was on the other side of the canyon but the static was so bad our hair was standing on end.

There are two strikes here, one is more horizontal and across the clouds.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It's a lot harder writing in the car than I thought it would be and with all four of us sharing a room, there was no late night writing. Except one room had a dimmer switch and I had an idea....An idea that has led to a flow problem that I've got to fix before writing any new scenes. grrr

I was checking over old blogs. I didn't read any of the print books I bought the week before vacation, not even the two I took with me. As for the ebooks? There were actually ten purchased before the trip that were ready to go and half were read before we left! Three are still waiting for me to find the time. I'm still finding it hard to believe that I haven't bought a new ebook since I got back. There are several out there, I just haven't bought them yet. Must not feel well ;)

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Vacation & Progress

S took his digital camera and two memory cards, one was 4 gig, so what happened? Lots and Lots of photos. I haven't gone through all of them yet. Here's one of rain at the Grand Canyon. I think we're on the North Rim.

And one of me walking across the Colorado River. That's right, I walked across the Colorado River, twice. We stopped at the Navajo Bridge since M's a civil engineer. The old bridge is now the Historic Navajo Bridge and it's set up as a walkway. I got half way out and thought "why not" then I had to walk back to the car. M asked if I wanted to walk it once or twice. Silly me chose twice. I know I'm small, but I'm right in the middle, wearing a blue top.

I did work on my 70 days WIP while on vacation. I moved the first kiss up several pages and rearranged the remodeling project. Instead of doing just her room, she's doing all of upstairs and I mean ALL of upstairs. Now I've got to reread and see where my flow problem is! grrrr

1. a "non-date" (got it - 1: dinner at house - first kiss!, 2: shopping)
2. 1st official date - with children (got it - swimming)
3. 1st official date - without children (got it - dinner out)
4. picking up her books from storage - out of state, hotel stay both ways
5. Honeymoon

I'm up to 12,750

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Just finished reading...

by Ally Blue

A Sidhe warrior in exile. A young man with powers he's only beginning to understand. In their hands, the fate of two worlds.

Another book where I can't tell you anything because I want to share it all. I was delayed getting this up (finished Friday) and have already read it a second time.

There is a warning: this title contains the following: explicit male/male sex, graphic language, violence, and the inappropriate us of plants.

Trust me, the inappropriate use of plants? HOT

Check out Ally Blue's website. A direct link to Fireflies can be found here and the book can be purchased at Samhain Publishing


I've been a busy girl this week, Ellora's Cave had three m/m books out. I think Masked Submission was my favorite of the three. PhD student, Professor, Dom Club, secret identities, betrayal, sacrifice....check all of them out. Then again, Pledge Slave started out with a bang and just kept on going. Finnegan's Promise was sweet (okay, and hot)


I picked up five ebooks and 2 print books to take on vacation. Plus my two WIP and a line edit that I need to turn in ASAP when I get back. I'm hoping for a job to pay for all the books I buy!

Friday, July 20, 2007

you can find the most amazing things...

I went to a favorite place, clicked a link, followed another and another, pretty soon I was so far from where I started I wasn't sure how I got there. However I did come a cross a picture to post in honor of my other WIP. It involves half brothers, raised not knowing of the other, that look so alike they might as well be twins. Throw in a woman and watch the sparks fly.

I'm up to 11k now on my current WIP. Amazingly enough I was able to write some in the doctor's waiting room, even with the kids, until a couple of parents showed up and distracted me. There is a county fair happening nearby and someone is selling funnel cakes with powdered sugar, strawberries and hot dog as the topping. You read that correctly. A quarter pound hot dog on top of your funnel cake. Sorry, it turned my stomach.

I guess this one needs a warning:

Thursday, July 19, 2007


So I'm looking for a writer's group (forgetting all about RWA) I hit Craigslist and found two. Both are at least 30 miles away. Now I didn't expect one to be in my backyard but 30 miles here can take up to 90 minutes! Depending on the traffic.

One of my local libraries has a writing group that has reserved the meeting room before but not since June. They're going to pass along my name and number. Cross your fingers.

There are three local publications that MIGHT have an ad or something but really, looks like it will have to be RWA....

Romance Writers of America. You must join a chapter to do you any good. You must join National before you can join a chapter. When I first checked into it, I was only looking locally but when I was surfing yesterday I clicked "special interest" chapters and found one for me. Passionate Ink. An online chapter for the erotic writer! ~happy dance~ I'll join RWA for next year (membership year goes Jan-Dec, non-prorated) then join Passionate Ink (who's membership year is different but can be prorated) grrr.

Anyways, I'm still looking for a local group and may attend the more local RWA chapter as a non-member but RWA and Passionate Ink look to be the best for me.

Got to run.....

Good morning

I really don't want to post and lose that great pic. Gotta find where there's a place to borrow them. I've found some HOT guys but they all say copyrighted. Sigh.

WOO HOO! I hit 11,000 on my WIP. I've got two more scenes to do & a problem to fix before going back through to see if I need to fix anything else. I was really worried I wouldn't make the 10k minimum now I'm worried I'll fall in the 3,000 word space between a Quickie and a Novella!

I had to change Ginny's name. M thought it was slang for something "Ginny is also a common misspelling of Guinea, a derogatory slang name for Italians" from Wikipedia, so I changed her name to Beth. It works just fine.

I ordered business cards! True it's a little premature but half of them were free (just shipping) and this is something I don't want to give up on. Then today I got an email saying they're giving away custom magnets from your business cards. Too cool.

Falling asleep. Night.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

mmmm, Wednesday is starting to look good!

I should be typing (over 9k now) or doing laundry but what am I doing? Surfing for men! sort of

I found a great guy, he's one of my favorites from TA Chases's blog so when I saw him at sexyluv, I had to grab him.

Enjoy your Wednesday. ;)

Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

quick update

I'm on my way to the gym but wanted to say how excited I am. I've got five scenes to do and the book is complete ~happy dance~

1. a "non-date"
2. 1st official date - with children
3. 1st official date - without children
4. picking up her books from storage - out of state, hotel stay both ways
5. Honeymoon

yep, I have a happy ever after planned.

I've got the first scene complete and then added one after it (not typed up) so I've got four scenes to do and already have a total of 8,809!

Adrianna Dane asked to add me to her friends list at Shelfari. How cool is that!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Jodi Payne Party!

Jodi was at a chat tonight hosted by Coffee Time Romance. It was so cool talking to her and the other's that logged on.

I want to tell you EVERYTHING but my son is chomping at the bit, I guess this is just a reminder to me

P.S. Jodi? I won't hold you to that publicist position - we're on opposite coasts - but I do like the number one fan part ::blush::

here he comes - more later

Sunday, July 15, 2007

quick update

I'm at 7,395 words. ~~happy dance~~ It isn't much but it is writing every day.

The dishwasher broke and while I'm not handwashing (THANKS daughter), I am shopping for a new one. We ended up purchasing it at the first place we looked but I'm glad we went to the others just to compare.


Saturday, July 14, 2007

bulbs given to Ginny



Tiger Lily