Thursday, July 12, 2007

book info for challenge

1) book title: don’t know yet
2) Hero: Tom Freeman / cabinetmaker
3) Heroine: Ginny Rockwood / author
4) setting: small town America (valley)
5) length: 18K

1) Sara’s Jewels
2) Dave Hoffman / webmaster
& Alex (still working on it) / horse trainer
3) Sara Phillips / works at a horse breeder
4) Southern California
5) 75K

18k looks good but may be able to go longer. Working title is now Let the World go Away and Ginny stands for Virginia. Q: is small town America in Virginia and does Ginny get teased? Is that why she never wants to come home?

Sara's Jewels: gads, still sitting on shelf, no deadline!

Still, 18 + 75 = 93. 93k/70days = 1,329 words a day.


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