The last book in the next trilogy in the series won't be released until the end of March! Worse, it will be hardcover, we own the others in paperback and my son (and my storage) would prefer they all be mmp. I don't think I'll be able to wait a year but the library doesn't have it on order!
I start school next week and ordered my textbook online for half the cost of getting it at the school's bookstore. I log in on the day it was supposed to ship and find an email telling me they don't have it! DANG! Actually, (*^*&$^(*&_)(*. Sigh, it's too late to get it anywhere else, now I have to pay over $100 for it.
I started a new craft project. Someone else sewed holes along the edge of a flannel blanket (hem stitch) and I'm using the holes to croquet around the edge. I'm really excited about it.
I went to a nephew's birthday party. I was great to see family but he's 3 now and he had friends. Can you imagine the noise? Add older brothers on top of that and I stayed as long as I could....
I start another writing challenge on the first. I hope to do as well as I did the first time.
I think that's it. Oh, Happy Valentine's Day!

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