Wednesday, Aug. 8: daughter's birthday. She choose dinner and a movie.

Daughter made her own birthday cake Tuesday night then when she hadn't cut into it by Friday, her brother did. By Saturday it was all gone and she hadn't gotten any. Sigh, I guess this time, I'll bake the cake.
The rest of the week/weekend was normal stuff. I went to the gym with my workout buddy on Friday instead of last Monday. I called in to Jury Duty (call again Monday after 7).
Sunday is Flash Fiction at SEx. Stop that, it's called Silver Expressions Blog and feautres authors of Liquid Silver Books. One of the authors starts it then you can comment with your own. I've done two (patting myself on the back) but couldn't come up with anything yesterday. It was Flashes of Animal Instincts. There was some great stuff.
Y wrote one of my favorites: "She was torn, he was the most beautiful specimen that she had ever seen, in both his forms. He was walking on the beach as a man, beautifully bronzed and nude. She watched from the ocean where he couldn’t see her.
She knew that it wouldn’t work out, they weren’t compatible. She felt a longing for him and a hunger that would not subside. He looked around and dove into the water, taking his animal form of a sea otter. She watched as he darted through the cove, coming at her.
Hunger won and she opened her jaws and ate him."
I'll be taking rides on the Poetry Train today and hope to post favorite links tomorrow.
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