This is one of the views everyone goes for, and I mean everyone. We're at the Watch Tower and the viewpoint was so crowded we almost missed the shot. Luckily, we wondered over to the other side where it wasn't paved. Awesome isn't it.
There are two strikes here, one is more horizontal and across the clouds.

It's a lot harder writing in the car than I thought it would be and with all four of us sharing a room, there was no late night writing. Except one room had a dimmer switch and I had an idea....An idea that has led to a flow problem that I've got to fix before writing any new scenes. grrr
I was checking over old blogs. I didn't read any of the print books I bought the week before vacation, not even the two I took with me. As for the ebooks? There were actually ten purchased before the trip that were ready to go and half were read before we left! Three are still waiting for me to find the time. I'm still finding it hard to believe that I haven't bought a new ebook since I got back. There are several out there, I just haven't bought them yet. Must not feel well ;)
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