by Jodi Payne
This one was heart-wrenching for me. I wanted to shake Aubrey! Jodi sucked me into the story, I kept reading, waiting for the HEA, hoping it was coming up soon. I rejoiced for every day/mile Aubrey went without...and if I keep talking, I'll tell you too much & blow the story so I'll grab some words from Jodi's site...
"Founder, my debut solo novel brings you the story of Aubrey Jacek, a tough, seasoned cowboy and barn manager with a great love of horses and a problem with the bottle, and Kelly Ayers, the handsome younger farm hand who gives Aubrey a reason to clean up his act."
More can be found at Jodi's site and the book can be purchased at Torquere Press
Thank you for pointing this review out to me, and thank you so much for your very kind comments! I hope others enjoy it as well.
Thank you so much for stopping by. So far, I've loved all you m/m books. While I love Aubrey, I LOVE Noah!
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