Thursday, July 12, 2007


I typed everything in. Some of what I wrote didn't make it into the word doc and parts were expanded.

Word count: 4,547

I know it doesn't seem like a lot but it's almost half (5k) of the minimum required ~yea

Then, since I thought I had caught my second wind, I wrote some more. Half an hour later, here comes Sneakers. He doesn't know what "I'm working" means so I barely got my papers moved before he settled in for a nap. Still, it was a good half hour. I'll have to type it up before I know what the word count is.

All typed up. 510 more words! I'm at 5,057 and that's HALF the minimum needed for a quickie. The maximum is 30k. That's so doable!

Still, can't blame the cat for stopping me from writing, it was a good place to end and now requires some thought about forgiveness and misunderstandings

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