Friday, May 01, 2009

Where I purchase erotica

Most of my erotica is electronic. I read Harlequin's Blaze but when I want SEX, mostly I go electronic. Online publishers and clearing houses, erotica and mainstream. There are many more out there, even some that are free, it's just that this is were I seem to wind up. No specific order, not even "favorite first", just listed as bookmarked :)

Torquere Press is strictly same sex or triads, but the others are heavy on hetro. Amber Quill has their mainstream, erotica and same-sex titles separate but on the same site whereas Ellora's Cave has their mainstream titles on a separate site.

Torquere Press also has a subscription service, A Turn of the Screw, where you get several stories a month but only one chapter at a time. When the story is complete you can download the whole thing before it goes on sale.

If you enjoy M/M romance/sex and like the idea of a chapter at a time, check out In This Land. You can read several short stories and the first three chapters for free. It is a subscription (by month) but over 130 posts are available right away.

Bareback Angels, part of Torquere Press

Torquere Press

Liquid Silver Books


Ellora's Cave

Amber Quill

Samhain Publishing

Loose Id

Aspen Mountain Press

Changeling Press

Lyrical Press

Sybaritic Press

Extasy Books

This one says Jasmine Jade Enterprises but the link is a different layout of Ellora's Cave

Dreamspinner Press

Phaze and her sister site Mundania Press

Linden Bay Romance

Red Rose Publishing

Whispers Publishing

Whiskey Creek Press

The Wild Rose Press and their sister-site
for a wilder rose. Also, White Rose Publishing for inspirational romance

Shadowfire Press

GirleBooks free ebooks by the gals (I haven't used this one yet)

disclaimer: links worked when first posted & just because the sites are compatible with my equipment doesn't mean they are compatible with yours. Purchas small amounts to try them out. (I would purchase a short story, maybe $2, and see if formatting was compatible before making a bigger purchase) Ebooks are NOT returnable!

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