Monday, January 12, 2009

Book Challenges

An interesting thing happened the other day. I discovered (or rediscovered at the best possible time) the book reading challenge. Imagine, people post a list of requirements on their blog (read 20 books this year) and people visit the blog and sign up to do it. There's a whole community out there blogging about books and I just fell into it. So what did I do? Started a new blog and joined a few challenges then to make makes worse - I'm hosting two!

Why am I telling you this? Well, I have many blogs but they are so varied or personal that I started one just for books (dang, no pretty pictures). This was working great until I joined the Erotica Challenge. Most of my family and friends don't know this side of me so I can't tell them about my book blog. In order to fix that, I'll post the challenge over here and everything else over there. After all, people who read erotica shouldn't have a problem with what's posted here ;)

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