This semester I learned that I can't take two classes with such a large break in between them. I had enough time to finish my math homework, eat lunch & go shopping. Or go home & take and nap, and sleep through my alarm :(
The bad news: I failed PSY 101 and must retake it.
The Good news: after a rocky start in math....

I was sick at the beginning of the semester so not only did I miss days, I missed a test. Later I missed another week and failed that chapter's test spectacularly. I loved the way the teacher taught but didn't like that he penalized us for missing days. I went into the final with a C in the class but got an 86% on the final and an B in the class. I wonder what I'll learn next semester....
I'll have the next level of Algebra (2nd out of 3) and will be retaking PSY 101 as an online class ~crossing fingers~...
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