Monday, December 31, 2007

what the?

Can you believe it? Tomorrow is 2008!
I wish us all a healthy - and productive ;) - New Year!

Be safe,


I was going to be all excited about how many words I've written this year. Sigh, 36,347 words, not including notes & half thoughts. Dang it all, I thought it'd be more! That might be okay if was all on one manuscript but, nooooo, I've got 5 - that's right FIVE - stories going. Let us hope your year was MUCH more productive then mine and that next year I can double my word count.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

what if ...

I was cruising around and found a blog with a very interesting entry. (He's gay and it shows in his blog - I found him through his m/m stories on nifty.)

December 10, 2007 Okay, let's suppose some God tells you that from now on you can never leave your house and that everything that you eat and drink and wear and play with has to be ordered over the internet. Money is no problem but the catch is that you're limited to ten stores and once you pick the ten they are fixed. If one goes out of business that's just tough, you do without. So which ten would you pick? Here's mine. Okay, I know it's stupid. You know, it's easy to just criticize.

Amazon, Dean & Deluca, Saks, Neiman-Marcus, Von's, Netgrocer, Zingermans, CDW, BestBuy, IBM

Good Heavens! Only 10? I think I order books from that many publishers alone!

So, I've been thinking about this, I'd need sites for clothes, food, entertainment, exercise equipment(?), crafts, furniture and electronics. Yikes

First off, I'd need a bigger house. One with a huge craft room and a sunroom. I'd go nuts if I had to stay inside here. Plus I'd need a kick-ass gym/pool room.

1. Amazon
2. Costco

Food: Albertson's, Von's, Swann's & Netgrocer all deliver to my area. I should check on Trader Joe's

Electonics: Best Buy, Circuit City, Fry's,, CDW

Clothes: I'm a simple girl, I could live with JCPenney & Target, even Wal-mart.

Entertainment: that's almost the same as electronics

Crafts: I need a site that has sewing, quilting, cross stitch, scrapbook, beads/jewelry. All the supplies plus tools.

Books: All Romance eBooks carries books from the publishers I go to but I'd really hate to limit myself here. I don't think Amazon carries everything I buy.

I have pets, do I add a pet store or just hope that the others will have what they need. And what do I do when I want a new pet? I'd better hope someone gives me a dog for my birthday ;)

And what about medical care???? My DD said that's what WebMD was for.

so lets see,

1. Amazon
2. Costco
3. Albertson's
4. Von's (just in case-cause netgrocer doesn't have fresh milk)
5. - iTunes is part of apple :p
6. Fry's
7. JCPenney's
8. Target
9. All Romance eBooks
10. ....this would have to be my craft place & don't think there is one that has everything I'd need.

edit: I'm like a dog with a bone on this one. I know a chiropractor that will come to the house but who will cut my hair? I found a masseuse that I think will come to the house but I'm not sure they'll come this far out (or do a girl!). I'm a hermit that likes to party. Yea, I know, but I would like to move to a much larger home where the private spaces are private and the public spaces are open, inviting & fun so I can have people over.

{If the barn and riding arena are covered and connected by a covered walkway to the they count as "inside"?}

Anyways, I found my #10. Best Upon Request. Concierge Services that make life easier. There. They can go to my quilt shops, buy tickets to fly my friends out, go to my favorite restaurants and bring back food, they'll even plan my parties & clean up afterwards. They aren't in my state so everything would have to be arranged over the internet. This works right?

I think that's it.

I also want a University tutor so I can finish school and a music teacher. If I'm going to be locked up, I might as well learn to play the piano better. Oh, will a fencing instructor come to the house? Looks like a job for my concierge!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
to all...

and to all a

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Another semester gone, another lesson learned

This semester I learned that I can't take two classes with such a large break in between them. I had enough time to finish my math homework, eat lunch & go shopping. Or go home & take and nap, and sleep through my alarm :(

The bad news: I failed PSY 101 and must retake it.

The Good news: after a rocky start in math.... I was sick at the beginning of the semester so not only did I miss days, I missed a test. Later I missed another week and failed that chapter's test spectacularly. I loved the way the teacher taught but didn't like that he penalized us for missing days. I went into the final with a C in the class but got an 86% on the final and an B in the class. I wonder what I'll learn next semester....

I'll have the next level of Algebra (2nd out of 3) and will be retaking PSY 101 as an online class ~crossing fingers~...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

New Year Resolutions

I was surfing around today, visiting some favorite spots, when I stopped by Silver Expressions, a blog of Liquid Silver Books authors. Red Garnier's post today was her list of New Year's Resolutions. Great idea so I stole it ;)

1. Diet & Exercise. Isn't this on everyone's list? I've got a beach vacation coming up this summer. Plus the health benefits and just-getting-through-a-busy-day, without-getting-exhausted benefits. :)

2. Homework. Yeah, I've gone back to school, just a couple classes at a time, but still. I've got stuff to relearn and new stuff too. I don't need straight A's but I do need to pass each class.

3. Housework. Ug. Sigh. And "do I have to?", another sigh. Yep. I have too much stuff (a lot of it books) so not only do I need to keep up on the housework stuff, I need to throw some of it out :o or give it away.

4. Reading/Writing. More of one, less of another. I kept track for a couple of months, I read 37 books in one month. Sure, they're not epic length but still.... I need to cut down on book purchases & reading so there it more time to write. Plus, I need to read some of the books I've already purchased but haven't read. I will read 12 unread-but-purchased books this year.

5. Writing. This really does need two resolutions. I WILL finish, polish & submit something in 2008.

6. Family time. Less reading, more face time. We're getting another board game for Christmas :)

7. Website/blog and MySpace. I'd like to update my website (two). Update my blog more often (three!). Figure out what I'm doing at MySpace

8. Friends. Virtual and f2f, we all need to spend time with friends.

9. Blogs, MySpace, Live Journal, Shelfari & Yahoo!Groups. I have lots of places to visit and really need to, not only manage my time I spend there, but also make sure I visit everyone.

What would you like to do in 2008?

Monday, December 10, 2007

Poetry Train

Chapter One

It was a beautiful night out. Wade didn’t get to spend as much time watching the sunset as he use to. He’s got a new cat. Shush has been with him for many years but seems to be enjoying the new kitten. Wade hopes he keeps Shush feeling young.

School is finally finished. He parent’s gave him Grandpa’s place as a graduation present and helped him fix it up. After that, he was a bit limited in available jobs but he found a great one just when he thought he never would.

The house is one the small side but it’s just right for him and two cats. Plus it’s got five acres, plenty of room to add on. It’s a ways out of town but traffic is light and his job is this side of town too.

He once asked his Dad why they kept the property since they never went there. His Dad would mumble something about legacy and change the subject. He learned not to ask. The good news is that he’s four hours away from his parents. Not a quick, drop-in distance.

Wade loves his job as a physical therapist but it can be stressful. Everyone seems to know a cute daughter/friend/niece/sister he should go out with. He hasn’t learned how to handle that yet. It isn’t that he’s hiding; he just isn’t comfortable flaunting his private life. Are there handbooks for this kind of thing? The worst blind date ever didn’t even start out as a date; it’s just that him and the local “drama queen” were the only ones at the table that weren’t part of a couple.

As Wade lies out on the back patio, he hears rustling noises. He’s not sure what wildlife is out here so he picks up Shush and Majesty. He sees several sets of eyes as he turns to bolt into the house.


He has just enough presence of mind to make sure he doesn’t land on the cats.

(picture from Big Cat Rescue)

Sunday, December 02, 2007

A man knows he's getting older when...

he changes from Head and Shoulders to Mop n'Glow

Yes the cable is back up but I'm still mad at the company. There were suppose to CALL when the problem was fixed! TWO DAYS and then some grrr...

I've got homework and If I'm a good girl, I get to make Chocolate Chip cookies yum yum

Book for today: A Matter of Necessity by T.D. McKinney available from Amber Quill

Two FBI agents, deep undercover, infiltrating a new ring supplying weapons, possibly weapons of mass destruction.

Sound tame? The supplier is gay and doesn't trust straight men and just to make things interesting, the guy is into public displays of affection! The partners do what they must & become partners in every way.

Bagging the bad guy doesn't end the story, he's carrying a grudge & he has friends on the outside.

Saturday, December 01, 2007


cable is down at our house. Sneaking in on M's work computer so no other blogs or surfing & I missed In This Land!

grrrr, I hope your weekend is better them mine