First stop on the Poetry Train is Rhian's blog. There are 16 links from there at last count. I always check out TA Chase's blog and hope to stop by the others later this week.
The picture has nothing to do with the following WIP but still...
It was a beautiful night out. Wade lay on the back deck with his cat curled up by his side as the sun went down. He may hate doing all his homework right after school but the rewards of evenings like this were worth it.
It’s so quiet and peaceful. Just the purr of Shush, huh, that’s a little loud for such a tiny cat. Wade sits up and sees four sets of eyes watching him from the foot of the lounger.
Stray cats. And they’re hungry. Wait, how does he know they’re hungry? Wade’s hand curls protectively around Shush as he scoots up in the chair.
Wade passes out.
Wade comes too with a heavy weight on his legs, warmth against his sides and Shush sitting on his chest, licking his face.
Whoa. Wade looks around Shush to see the other cats on the lounger with him. Mighty friendly, must not be strays. He starts to sit up and feels the first hint of claws.
We’ve been waiting
“Sorry guy. You have me a little, um…, confused. Can I sit up please?” Wade feels stupid talking to the cats like they’d understand but he talked that way to Shush all the time.
“I’m not suppose to feed strays”
“If I feed you, will you go away?”
For now
Wade went into the house. Happy that Shush was now eating the adult food and that his mom has just gotten a new bag.
Wade carries the bag outside. “I can’t leave plates out here so I’m going to have to put the food on the deck.” No voices, no meows, so he scoops the food out onto the decking. “I count four, so that’s what I’ll leave.”
He picks up the bag of food and Shush and walks backwards towards the house. The cats all look up at him at the same time and seem to nod before going back to the food.
Wade puts the food away and brushes his teeth on autopilot.
The cats don’t come back the next night and after a while he stops looking for them. Then he forgets.
Weird cats??? Why did he forget?? What is up with the cats???
Welcome to the Petry train, and greatly done for your first time!!
Very interesting. Strange cats indeed. More please? Welcome to the train. :)
okay Gina, i'm so wanting to see where this goes. love that photo!!
What's with the forgetting?
Btw, I think most of us talk to our cats like they're people. It's normal.
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