I received an important email, and while I know I'm not widely read, I want to to my part. Here's a link. Here's the email:
I'm asking for your help to get the word out that folks need to "re-friend" us on MySpace and I'm asking that you "friend" us if you have an account.
Most of you know that ARe has been using MySpace to communicate with readers about The eBookclub. We opened our MySpace page for that purpose and in 2 months we'd managed to accumulate close to 6000 friends.
Apparently that's too tempting for some hackers. MySpace and Scrapfairy Designs have been quick to respond and our page is back up at the same address but with only 1 friend, Tom.
ARe--The eBookclub is featuring a wonderful read for the month of September and our second eBookblub meeting is going to be in a couple weeks. We have a great fall season planned and are determined to get back on our feet as quickly as possible.
Please repost this to reader an! d author forums, loops, and on your MySpace page if you have one. Sending a bulletin to your friends asking that they do the same would be a huge help to us. We're relying on the power of social networking and the good will of our affiliates, readers, and authors to help us. We don't want our bookclub members to think that we've wavered in our commitment to this project or that All Romance eBooks *gasp* deleted them. Here's the address:
Lori James
All Romance eBooks, LLC
P.S. For those of you who don't know....ARe--The eBookclub is a on-line Bookclub specific to romance eBooks. Each month we select a new release to feature. We advance purchase copies from the publisher and give them away to the first fifty members that attempt download. We also promote the book with special Behind the Scenes features, excerpts, and interviews, and host an on-line chat (usually with the author) at The Romance Ga! lleria. This is a great way for people that love romance to get intro duced to eBooks and for people from all around the world that already are fans of romance eBooks to meet and share the experience of a fabulous read.
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