Thursday, July 26, 2007

Just finished reading...

by Ally Blue

A Sidhe warrior in exile. A young man with powers he's only beginning to understand. In their hands, the fate of two worlds.

Another book where I can't tell you anything because I want to share it all. I was delayed getting this up (finished Friday) and have already read it a second time.

There is a warning: this title contains the following: explicit male/male sex, graphic language, violence, and the inappropriate us of plants.

Trust me, the inappropriate use of plants? HOT

Check out Ally Blue's website. A direct link to Fireflies can be found here and the book can be purchased at Samhain Publishing


I've been a busy girl this week, Ellora's Cave had three m/m books out. I think Masked Submission was my favorite of the three. PhD student, Professor, Dom Club, secret identities, betrayal, sacrifice....check all of them out. Then again, Pledge Slave started out with a bang and just kept on going. Finnegan's Promise was sweet (okay, and hot)


I picked up five ebooks and 2 print books to take on vacation. Plus my two WIP and a line edit that I need to turn in ASAP when I get back. I'm hoping for a job to pay for all the books I buy!

Friday, July 20, 2007

you can find the most amazing things...

I went to a favorite place, clicked a link, followed another and another, pretty soon I was so far from where I started I wasn't sure how I got there. However I did come a cross a picture to post in honor of my other WIP. It involves half brothers, raised not knowing of the other, that look so alike they might as well be twins. Throw in a woman and watch the sparks fly.

I'm up to 11k now on my current WIP. Amazingly enough I was able to write some in the doctor's waiting room, even with the kids, until a couple of parents showed up and distracted me. There is a county fair happening nearby and someone is selling funnel cakes with powdered sugar, strawberries and hot dog as the topping. You read that correctly. A quarter pound hot dog on top of your funnel cake. Sorry, it turned my stomach.

I guess this one needs a warning:

Thursday, July 19, 2007


So I'm looking for a writer's group (forgetting all about RWA) I hit Craigslist and found two. Both are at least 30 miles away. Now I didn't expect one to be in my backyard but 30 miles here can take up to 90 minutes! Depending on the traffic.

One of my local libraries has a writing group that has reserved the meeting room before but not since June. They're going to pass along my name and number. Cross your fingers.

There are three local publications that MIGHT have an ad or something but really, looks like it will have to be RWA....

Romance Writers of America. You must join a chapter to do you any good. You must join National before you can join a chapter. When I first checked into it, I was only looking locally but when I was surfing yesterday I clicked "special interest" chapters and found one for me. Passionate Ink. An online chapter for the erotic writer! ~happy dance~ I'll join RWA for next year (membership year goes Jan-Dec, non-prorated) then join Passionate Ink (who's membership year is different but can be prorated) grrr.

Anyways, I'm still looking for a local group and may attend the more local RWA chapter as a non-member but RWA and Passionate Ink look to be the best for me.

Got to run.....

Good morning

I really don't want to post and lose that great pic. Gotta find where there's a place to borrow them. I've found some HOT guys but they all say copyrighted. Sigh.

WOO HOO! I hit 11,000 on my WIP. I've got two more scenes to do & a problem to fix before going back through to see if I need to fix anything else. I was really worried I wouldn't make the 10k minimum now I'm worried I'll fall in the 3,000 word space between a Quickie and a Novella!

I had to change Ginny's name. M thought it was slang for something "Ginny is also a common misspelling of Guinea, a derogatory slang name for Italians" from Wikipedia, so I changed her name to Beth. It works just fine.

I ordered business cards! True it's a little premature but half of them were free (just shipping) and this is something I don't want to give up on. Then today I got an email saying they're giving away custom magnets from your business cards. Too cool.

Falling asleep. Night.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

mmmm, Wednesday is starting to look good!

I should be typing (over 9k now) or doing laundry but what am I doing? Surfing for men! sort of

I found a great guy, he's one of my favorites from TA Chases's blog so when I saw him at sexyluv, I had to grab him.

Enjoy your Wednesday. ;)

Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

quick update

I'm on my way to the gym but wanted to say how excited I am. I've got five scenes to do and the book is complete ~happy dance~

1. a "non-date"
2. 1st official date - with children
3. 1st official date - without children
4. picking up her books from storage - out of state, hotel stay both ways
5. Honeymoon

yep, I have a happy ever after planned.

I've got the first scene complete and then added one after it (not typed up) so I've got four scenes to do and already have a total of 8,809!

Adrianna Dane asked to add me to her friends list at Shelfari. How cool is that!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Jodi Payne Party!

Jodi was at a chat tonight hosted by Coffee Time Romance. It was so cool talking to her and the other's that logged on.

I want to tell you EVERYTHING but my son is chomping at the bit, I guess this is just a reminder to me

P.S. Jodi? I won't hold you to that publicist position - we're on opposite coasts - but I do like the number one fan part ::blush::

here he comes - more later

Sunday, July 15, 2007

quick update

I'm at 7,395 words. ~~happy dance~~ It isn't much but it is writing every day.

The dishwasher broke and while I'm not handwashing (THANKS daughter), I am shopping for a new one. We ended up purchasing it at the first place we looked but I'm glad we went to the others just to compare.


Saturday, July 14, 2007

bulbs given to Ginny



Tiger Lily

Friday, July 13, 2007

working title plus...

I log on this morning and the first thing I do is check TA Chase's blog. He's got Founder on it! I was a bit confused at first but was so excited. I shouldn't really be surprised. I've like all the books he's "pimped".

I started writing last night and when I took a break, fell asleep. Not sure what that says about my book. M came to bed and I was laying there with my paper on my lap and a pen in my hand, fast asleep.

Between last night and I what I was able to do today, I've got another 1,117 words ~ Woo Hoo! I should be getting that much a day but I'm just excited that I'm writing EVERY day.

Ginny's name may be changed, not sure yet and the working title of her book is "Let the World Go Away".

Thursday, July 12, 2007

book info for challenge

1) book title: don’t know yet
2) Hero: Tom Freeman / cabinetmaker
3) Heroine: Ginny Rockwood / author
4) setting: small town America (valley)
5) length: 18K

1) Sara’s Jewels
2) Dave Hoffman / webmaster
& Alex (still working on it) / horse trainer
3) Sara Phillips / works at a horse breeder
4) Southern California
5) 75K

18k looks good but may be able to go longer. Working title is now Let the World go Away and Ginny stands for Virginia. Q: is small town America in Virginia and does Ginny get teased? Is that why she never wants to come home?

Sara's Jewels: gads, still sitting on shelf, no deadline!

Still, 18 + 75 = 93. 93k/70days = 1,329 words a day.



I typed everything in. Some of what I wrote didn't make it into the word doc and parts were expanded.

Word count: 4,547

I know it doesn't seem like a lot but it's almost half (5k) of the minimum required ~yea

Then, since I thought I had caught my second wind, I wrote some more. Half an hour later, here comes Sneakers. He doesn't know what "I'm working" means so I barely got my papers moved before he settled in for a nap. Still, it was a good half hour. I'll have to type it up before I know what the word count is.

All typed up. 510 more words! I'm at 5,057 and that's HALF the minimum needed for a quickie. The maximum is 30k. That's so doable!

Still, can't blame the cat for stopping me from writing, it was a good place to end and now requires some thought about forgiveness and misunderstandings

Just finished reading...

by Jodi Payne

This one was heart-wrenching for me. I wanted to shake Aubrey! Jodi sucked me into the story, I kept reading, waiting for the HEA, hoping it was coming up soon. I rejoiced for every day/mile Aubrey went without...and if I keep talking, I'll tell you too much & blow the story so I'll grab some words from Jodi's site...

"Founder, my debut solo novel brings you the story of Aubrey Jacek, a tough, seasoned cowboy and barn manager with a great love of horses and a problem with the bottle, and Kelly Ayers, the handsome younger farm hand who gives Aubrey a reason to clean up his act."

More can be found at Jodi's site and the book can be purchased at Torquere Press

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

What do you mean it's Wednesday?

I need to blog my progress over at Alison Kent's blog but that requires typing my story. I write long hand then have to kick somebody off the computer (usually son) so I can type it up.

So now that I'm on the computer and can type - there's no way I'll get a word count before Thursday (10 more minutes for me) ~ sigh

So Happy Wednesday,


P.S. I haven't seen the new movie yet (daughter did - awesome!) but I'll be getting my copy of HP on the 21st. Amazon promised!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Woo Hoo and OMG

So I'm writing an older woman/younger man story, hoping Ellora's Cave likes it. I'm still reading blogs and checking in places when I see that Alison Kent has started a Seventy Days of Sweat on her blog.

"The rules are simple. You agree to write 4 - 6 pages a day (depending on the length of your book) every day between the dates listed above. If you need to take off a day, you make up the pages another. If you don’t like to write 7 days a week, too bad. This challenge lasts for only 10 weeks, and if you have to get up early on the weekends to get the pages done, you do it."

Now that I'm got my blog cleaned up and ready for author stuff I'm going to jump over.