Wow, she never thought she’d come back to Creekside to live. Sure, she had been back for visits but only once in the last five years. She had managed to return for her Dad’s funeral but she hadn’t stayed..., couldn’t. Now she was ready for a fresh start but never once had she dreamed it would be here. She was back but only because she was the only one who could come to stay.
Dad had been gone for over a year when Cory called. He said Momma wasn’t doing well. He and Marcy had enough to do with their three kids and someone else needed to take care of Momma. How could she refuse? Everyone but Cory had moved away, they all had jobs and family. She had two kids but they weren’t in school yet. She had no spouse and could work from anywhere. Just because she never looked back didn’t mean she hated the place.
She had kept in touch with Momma. There had been many phone calls and never any hint of trouble. Cory wasn’t much help about what she needed to do so she was going into this blind. Not wanting to be under her Momma’s feet, she found a house to purchase.
Chapter One
Coming back hasn’t been easy. There have been many changes but so many things have stayed the same. The strangest thing is that women are coming up to her and telling her how much they love her books, that they’ve opened their eyes. One woman said she and her husband take turns reading them aloud after the kids are asleep. Lisa managed to stammer some kind of reply but she’s not sure what. The real surprise is the age range, some are old enough to be her grandmother and some look like they’re still in high school!
Lisa was relieved to find out her momma was still an early riser and was willing to come over before breakfast so she could run. There was a park on the other side of town with great trails. Lisa had always been a people watcher and the scenery there was fantastic! It was during one of her daily runs that she first saw him, fantasy material as well a model for her books. He had broad shoulders and a narrow waist, his arms and legs in nice proportion. So much better than some of the gym rats she used to watch. From the back anyway, she had yet to see him from the front. She got used to running behind him, making up scenes, wondering how soft his skin was, what it tasted like. It was such a beautiful spring morning she was only paying half a mind to where she was at, too busy thinking of chocolate covered pretzels, she glanced up and saw her inspiration and all thought left her head. Then she tripped. Now that was just stupid. She knew better than to zone out when she’s running outside.
“Oh, hey? Are you all right? Nice roll, anything hurt?”
As a man stops beside her, she realizes it is her fantasy man. “I think I’m okay.” She wiggles her toes, circles her ankles and bends her knees. “Stuff seems to be working.” And gasps as he stands her up, picking her up as if she weighed nothing at all.
He holds her steady then looks at her, “Lisa? Lisa Thompson? I’m Tommy Freeman?”
Good thing he’s still holding her steady because Lisa would swear her heart stopped. Her fantasy man is her little brother’s best friend? No wonder she hadn’t recognized him, there is nothing little about him anymore.
Oh, god, she was just staring at him. “Hi Tommy,” dang, did she just squeak?
Tommy laughs so she must have. “It’s great to see you, are you sure you’re okay? Are you in town visiting your mom? How long will you be here?”
Now it’s Lisa’s turn to laugh, “I’m okay” and laughs again at the face he makes, “Really. I’ve bought a house by momma’s so I guess I’ll be here a while.” She brushes off her clothes a bit then starts walking back to the parking lot.
Tommy looks over at her as he starts to follow and stumbles, “Whoa,” as he laughs at himself, “guess I can’t walk and talk at the same time. The Hunter place? How bad is the inside? I know Mr. Hunter hadn’t been able to keep it up for a couple of years before he went into the nursing home.”
Lisa can’t help but smile, you’ve just gotta love small towns, “Yeah, the poor realtor thought he had an out-of-town sucker. Actually, most of it is just cosmetic. The only major problem is that the rooms upstairs are all too small. I’ve got two daughters and I might have to give them two rooms each. One just for toys and clothes. Either that or knock out a couple of walls.”
“My dad still has his construction business if you decide to knock out those walls.” Tommy glances at his watch as they near the parking lot. “It was really nice seeing you, but I’ve got to hurry. Will you be okay if I take off? Are you running tomorrow?”
Lisa nods.
“See you tomorrow,” and Tommy sprints to his truck.
Wow, another reason to look forward to running.