A new PERN book was released on January 25. I was one of the lucky ones, the bookstore put it out early so I got it on the 19th!
Todd was at Barnes & Noble on Friday (2-4). There were only about 40 people there so the question & answer period was very personal. He read chapter 17 (?) to us. Some there hadn't read the book yet and some were still on the original Dragonriders trilogy.
I didn't read his whole website before the signing, he wrote part of Dragonlover's Guide to Pern. I have the book but didn't get it signed this time because I didn't know! dang, dang, dang.
It was very cool and I promised him I would keep my whining for the next book to a minimum!
Dragonholder: signed by Todd and Anne ~ written by Todd about Anne
Dragon's Kin: signed by Todd and Anne ~ co-authors
Dragonsblood: Signed by Todd ~ Todd did this one by himself