Monday, September 30, 2013
~waving madly~
This is suppose to be the blog of an author of erotica. And this is where the book blogging seems to come it. . . I'm spending too much time reading and reviewing to write. So much so that when I hauled a bunch of books to storage, I sent my WIPs too. I told myself it was so they wouldn't get tossed but dang. . . I don't even remember what I was writing about!
Not sure when I'll be back but the dream of writing is alive and well.
Saturday, January 02, 2010
The m/m Romance Challenge
TIMELINE: January 1st to December 31st 2010I love to read m/m romance and since re-reads and any length count, I'm going for....20+...although I'm wondering: is it cheating to count Sips?RULES: Read five(5) or more m/m romances in 2010
There are 5 reading levels to choose from:
- Read 5 M/M Romances
- Read 10 M/M Romances
- Read 15 M/M Romances
- Read 20 M/M Romances
- Read 20+ M/M RomancesDETAILS:
This challenge is for those who enjoy reading gay romances (also known as m/m or male/male romances) or those who are interested in starting. If you aren’t familiar with this genre, it consists of novels and stories where the main focus is the romantic relationship between the male protagonists.
• You must be 18 years old or older to join.
• You don’t have to select your books ahead of time. Even if you do, you can change your books as you go. Your books can crossover with other challenges.
• You don’t need a blog to participate. You can comment on this post if you’d like to share a book list or reading pool.
• Please create a post on your blog where you’ll be keeping track of your challenge reads and link back to this post so others can join in on the fun. If you use a “Current Challenges” page, or something similar, you can link back from that page instead of creating an individual post.
• You can use the large banner I’m using at the top of this post or you can use the smaller buttons I’ve provided below. Just copy the code provided. There’s no need to save the smaller buttons to your own server. (I have another large banner you can use here, if you’d like.)
• You can join at anytime between now and the latter part of 2010. Just give yourself enough time to read your chosen amount of books.
• Books chosen can be any length, sub-genre, or format. eBooks, paperbacks, young adult books, audio books, and re-reads are all okay.
• Once the challenge starts, I’ll create a page for everyone to post their reviews. Reviews are encouraged, but are entirely optional.
Everyone who signs up for the challenge between now and January 31st will be eligible to win $15 in eBook Bucks from All Romance Ebooks!
Title links go to publisher/shopping page
1. Man of Honor by Maria Albert- Jan 3
2. Closeted Secret by Carol McKenzie - Jan 3
3. Safe Word by Alex Morgan - Jan 3
4. An Improper Holiday by K.A. Mitchell - Jan 3
5. Eliot's Hero by Bryn Colvin - Jan 5
6. His Convenient Husband by J.L. Langley - Jan 5
7. Tabloid Star by T.A. Chase - Jan 5
8. With the Ring by T.A. Chase - Jan 5
9. Photo Shoot by Addision Albright - Jan 9
10. Submission Times Two by Claire Thompson - Jan 10
11. A Little Something for Santa by J.M. Snyder - Jan 10
12. Cowboys' Christmas by - Jan 10
13. Shell Shocked by - Jan 10
14. Somebody to Love - Jan 11
15. Love, Always - Jan 11
16. Impossible Dream - Jan 11
17. The Finest Thing by Lily Sawyer - Jan 11
18. My Heros Have Always Been Cowboys - Jan 11
19. Colliding in Freefall - Jan 12
20. Rock Bottom by Celia Kyle - Jan 12
F*ck the Foreplay by J.M. Snyder
Stroke of Midnight by Jordan Castillo Price
Thaw by Jordan Castillo Price
Foreplay by J.M. Synder
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
The m/m meme
Found on Moonlight to Twilight blog who has invited anyone to swipe it, post it and then go back and link it. Since my MIL and nieces have my book blog address, it's over here where I'm a little more naughty ;-)
The M/M Meme
1. Answer all the questions below in either the comments here or post it on your own site. If you post it on your own site you have to come back and give the link here so I can mosey on over and see if you have a sticky beak.
2. You have to tag two other people once you’re done and pester them relentlessly until they do the meme too.
3. Instead of a meme image thing you have to post a cookie, preferably a twofer. It is an m/m meme after all.
1. How long have you been reading GLBTQ fiction? 2006?.
2. What was the first book you read in this genre? Do you really expect me to remember that long ago?
3. Are you ‘out’ as a reader? not to everyone
4. Ebooks, print or both? ebooks mostly, I've been disappointed with the print books I've picked up
5. Do you buy direct from publishers or from secondary sellers? yes
6. Prove you’re a Book Slut. How many books would you say you buy a week? I go in cycles but maybe average 3 a week.
7. Are you a cover, blurb or excerpt buyer? yes. title & recurring characters too
8. Yeah, you read reviews, but do you actually take notice of them? If it's a new author
9. Who’s your fave publisher? Torquere Press. No, Total-e-Bound. Wait, Samhain, Amber Quill.....
10. What about authors? Your top two only!! Just two? Sean Michaels, T.A. Chase
11. Is there a sub-genre you particularly dis/like? love twincest and some D/s
12. Short or long?? *rolls eyes* And, no, I’m not talking about cocks. yes but like the character development in the longer stories.
13. Anything turn you off about m/m or is all just glorious smut to you? Not happy with some of the cruder language (an ass is NOT a boy pussy, thank you!)
14. Finish this sentence. You know it’s m/m twu wuv when… true love? when a man says he's sorry
15. What trope or theme are you heartily sick of in m/m romance?
16. If you could choose any 3 characters for an m/m/m who would they be?
Well, Taylor as Jacob comes to mind now that's he's so buff
17. What new GLBTQ release are you most hanging out for right now? David and Conner by Bobby Michaels
18. What GLBTQ book has completely blown you away this year?
19. What do you think we’ll see more of in m/m romance in 2010?
20. Don’t you agree that author Josh Lanyon should kill off arsehole character Jake Riordan? Haven't read these.
Hmm... now I have to tag two people... I know several people have already done this meme, so I am going to leave it for anyone who has not yet done the meme to please swipe it from my blog and leave a comment letting us know you will be posting this meme on your blog soon.
Monday, November 16, 2009
GLBT Reading Challenge ~2010~

Here's a quick run-down but check out the blog and sign-up. I'm going for the Rainbow level.
The basic idea of this challenge is to read books about GLBT topics and/or by GLBT authors.
The challenge runs year-round, and there will be three levels of participation:Lambda Level: Read 4 books.
Pink Triangle Level: Read 8 books.
Rainbow Level: Read 12 or more books.
You don't need to choose your books right away, and they can change at any time. Overlaps with other challenges are fine.
Now I realize that the purpose is to read mainstream books with glbt characters or by a glbt author but I'm heavy into m/m erotica. So, while I will be branching out for some mainstream, most of my reading will be erotica.
Out of the Pocket by Bill Konigsberg (mainstream (YA?), hardcover. I own this one, I'll just have to wait for 2010 to read it)
I'm hoping that re-read work because I'd love to read Mercedes Lackey's Magic trilogy again: Magic's Pawn, Magic's Promise, Magic's Price.